Address of lenovo laptop service center in Sumatra : WaMod
Address of lenovo laptop service center in Sumatra : WaMod

Address of lenovo laptop service center in Sumatra : WaMod

Complete Lenovo service center address in Indonesia

A complete Lenovo service center address in Indonesia is certainly very much needed for those using Lenovo laptops. In case of damage while the laptop is still within the warranty period, then you do not have to pay the service fee.

However, it is not free to repair the damage caused to the existing laptop within the warranty period, because the appropriate terms and conditions must be considered correctly. For example, just like the warranty period, the warranty period starts from the date the item is purchased based on the receipt officially issued in the Store.

The owner has to submit an official receipt when visiting the Lenovo Laptop Service Center. However, if the owner is unable to submit the receipt, the warranty period is calculated on the basis of the manufacturer’s warranty in the Lenovo system. The warranty does not apply in case of damage due to human error.

For the repair time at the Lenovo Laptop Service Center, the Lenovo Laptop Service Centerwill definitely repair as smoothly as possible, agreed within approximately 7 working days. The repair period is calculated when the product is received by the Lenovo Laptop Service Center.  Here is the address of the complete Lenovo service center in Indonesia.

Address of lenovo laptop service center in Sumatra

There are a lot of addresses of Lenovo’s service centers on the island of Sumatra. The first is in Medan, located at Jalan Radon Chale 69. The temple is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. and from Saturday to 12:00 p.m. and Sunday holidays. You can contact this office 0614577019.

The second Jalan Senior is in the town of Patang, which is located in 19. The temple is open from 10:00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., from Saturday to 5:00 p.m. and on Sundays. This office can be contacted on 0751-30583.

Lenovo’s complete service center address is in Began Baru, The Third of Indonesia, located in Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan 15 Sukhajati, this place is open from 08.30 to 17.30, closed from Saturday to 12.00 and Sunday. This office can be contacted at 0761-84961.

The fourth is in Palembang, located at Jalan Linkkaran 310D. The temple is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. and from Saturday to 12:00 p.m. and Sunday holidays. This office can be contacted on 02711-352345.

The fifth is at Bandar Lambung, located on Jalan Ikan Kurame 20/11. The temple is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. and from Saturday to 12:00 p.m. and Sunday holidays. This office can be contacted on 0271-486163.

Sixth, it is in Medan, GT is located in Antara, Jalan Putri Hijau 12. The temple is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. and from Saturday to 12:00 p.m. and Sunday holidays. This office can be contacted on 061-4564933.

Address of the Lenovo Laptop Service Center in Kalimantan

First, there is Pontianak, located in Jalan Aliyang 10D, this place is open from 08.00 to 17.00, closed on Sunday. You  can contact this office on +62561-768001 to get the desired service.

Lenovo’s complete service center address in Indonesia is located at Balankarayam, second in Indonesia, Jalan Silic Rivud KM 1 32 I. The place is open from 08.30 to 17.30, closed from Saturday to 12.00 and Sunday. This office can be contacted at +62536-3224111.

Thirdly, the mall polygbabhan is located in the Polygbapon, which is located in the Permai J2 6. The location is open from 08.00 to 17.00, and the Sundays are closed. This office can be contacted on +62542-744452.

Fourthly, it is located in Puncturemacin, located in Jalan Colognel Sujiono 14. This office can be contacted on +62511-3266509. Ensuring that the damage can be handled using the warranty or not, as well as ensuring how long the service is carried out.

Fifth, it is located in Samarinda, located on Samosir Island Road 27. The place will be open from 08.30 to 17.30 am, while the service centre is closed on Sunday. This office can be contacted on +62541-74755777.

Address of the Lenovo Laptop Service Center in Java

The first is in the city of Dangerang, which is located on the 3rd floor of the WTC Matahari Serpong Mall. It is open from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and will remain closed on Sundays. This office can be contacted on +6221-53154491.

Lenovo’s complete service center address is in Bandung, located in Indonesia’s Second Jalan A. Yani, Ruko Triangle Mass Blok E10, this place is open from morning to evening and is closed on Sundays. This office can be contacted at +6222-7237025 and  informed.

The third is located at Jalan Kudakara 53, Jagasatru, in Shreban. The place is closed from 08.00 am to 17.00 pm, from Saturday to 12.00 pm and on Sundays. You can contact this office on +62231-231384.

Fourthly, Jalan Gaja Mata 58 in Yogakarta is located at Pakulaman, a place that is open from 08.00 to 16.00, closed on Saturdays and Sundays. You can contact this office on +62274-523231.

Fifthly, Dr. Jalan Professor at Yogyakarta. Sortzito is located in 98 Z. The place is open from 08.00 to 16.00, and is closed on Saturdays and Sundays. This office can be contacted on +62274-6888929.

Lenovo’s complete service center address in Indonesia is in Semerang, located on sixth, Jalan Dr. Cipto 40B. The place is open from 08.00 to 16.0, closed on Saturdays and Sundays. You can contact this office at +6224-3564687.

Seventh, it is located in Malang, which is located in Jalan Simbang Borobudur Uttara 5A. It is open from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and is closed on Sundays. You can contact this office on +62341-482815.

Eighth Jalan Cardini 123A, DR. Located in Surabaya, located in Sotomo. The place is open from 08.00 a.m. to 16.00 p.m. and is closed on Saturdays and Sundays. You can contact this office on +6231-5355306.

Address of the Lenovo Laptop Service Center in Sulawesi

Lenovo’s complete service center address in Indonesia is first, it is located at Mazhar, located at Jalan Sungai Sadang Baru 94C. The place is open from 09.00 to 17.00, closed on Saturdays and Sundays. This office can be contacted on +62411-431345.

The second jalan inns is in Magsar, located in 1AB of Noordin. The temple is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and on Sundays. You can contact this office on +62411-362900000.

Lenovo’s complete service center address in Indonesia is third, located at Makasar Jalan Mesjit Raya 78, the place is open from 08.00 to 17.00, closed on Sunday. This office can be contacted at +62411-4445555.

Fourthly, located in the Wanea Plaza Blok J8 Complex in Manato, the place is open from 08.00 to 17.00, closed on Saturdays and Sundays. You can contact this office on +62431-876352.

If the service is performed using the warranty service, the warranty only covers technical issues with normal terms of use. Using the coverage software under the Lenovo warranty, the data is not included at the expense. So  before visiting the complete Lenovo service center address in Indonesia, first make sure of the damage.

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