JNE Call Center Telephone Number : SolderPanas
JNE Call Center Telephone Number : SolderPanas

JNE Call Center Telephone Number : SolderPanas

JNE Call Center, record number and service

Information about JNE call centres  can be highly requested  when you send or receive goods using JNE but the goods do not arrive. JNE is one of the freight forwarding services which until now is still widely used as an option.

Of course, having affordable package prices to make deliveries on time are some of the reasons why until now JNE still has many loyal users despite there being so many similar services on the market.

So far, JNE has become one of the main delivery service options in Indonesia. JNE even has hundreds of offices scattered throughout Indonesia, even in different cities. JNE is continuously expanding its network.

JNE services have also experienced development since the company’s inception, JNE not only serves the delivery of goods in a regular period, but also has other delivery services ranging from express to services with economic rates. To improve customer service, JNE even has a JNE call center ready to help you.

JNE Shipping Service at a Glance

JNE is the largest freight forwarding company, in fact it already has up to thousands of agents today. Thousands of these agents are scattered throughout Indonesia. Unlike other shipping services, which have a minimum requirement for commodity weight, JNE does not have a minimum limit on goods. Founded in 1990, JNE started its activities with only 8 employees.

JNE’s initial capital of 100 billion, initially this company only handled import and export activities, for example, such as importing consignments of goods, documents and customs. Deliveries are also made from abroad to the country.

After a year of founding JNE finally began to expand its roots to international and joined the courier company association, until finally JNE had a focus on the domestic market and experienced very rapid development. In 2002 JNE purchased a building as its headquarters.

The services provided by JNE are also increasing, this is why JNE call centers  are also getting more crowded, you can not only send common REG packages. Various services owned by JNE such as express, super speed. IE, OKE, JNE Loyalty Card, Money remittance, JNE Pick up, land transport, sea transport, JNE Logistics, warehousing and many others.

When other companies experience 10% growth annually, JNE is able to experience growth of up to 20%. This is also due to the different methods and innovations owned by JNE such as availability of media to monitor  goods, goods having shipping insurance to the existence of ball picking method.

JNE Call Center Telephone Number

A call centre is a service with a very large and vital role, even a call centre is a medium of communication that connects companies and consumers. Likewise with the call centre owned by JNE. Unlike other companies, JNE has a call center service that is so fast and responsive.

This call centre service is provided to support customer convenience. You can contact JNE call centre services anytime and anywhere you need, even when abroad. This call center service is also not only intended for loyal JNE customers.

This call centre service is also intended for potential customers who want to know more about JNE services, so contacting the call centre is the most appropriate step before coming to the JNE branch office, so recording  the JNE call centre is good.

JNE customer service is (021) 29278888. While the office number from JNE is (021) 566 5262, and Fax (021) 5671413. You can also contact JNE by email at customercare@jne.co.id, so choose the easiest way to contact JNE services.

In addition to having the call center number, JNE also has a customer service center that will later help youtroubleshoot problems. You canaccess Joni and submit your complaints. Later, complaints will be answered quickly and responsively.

In addition to the call center, to ask about package problems, you can call the JNE office corresponding to your regional area or according to your city. Usually so that you can get clarity on whether or not the package can be picked up, or solve problems associated with the package of goods.

Services provided by JNE Call Center

Like other companies’ call centres, there are different services and complaints that you can communicate through this call centre. First, the call center serves booking for pick-up. If you want to send the goods through JNE and want the messenger to pick up the goods, you can order pickup through the call centre.

Secondly, when you want to know product and service information. If you want to know the information and services of a JNE owned product, you can contact the JNE call center directly, later the customer service will explain all the products and services owned and can be customized to your current needs.

Third, look for shipping rate information. Before sending goods, we will definitely find out what shipping rates must be paid, so as not to miscount, you can ask directly at the call center, especially if the item is a large package, it will be calculated based on the proper volume.

Fourth, find out the status of the ships. In fact, now we can easily track packages that are sent online, but sometimes the tracking experiences delay updating, if this happens, you can contact the call centre and ask for clarity on the location of the last packet.

Finally, for complaints and filing claims. If you use one of the services but the packet doesn’t arrive,  you can make a complaint, as later the packet will be placed first and faster for getting to the location where it was sent. In addition, you can also submit a claim when the package is lost, provided you must be insured.

Tips for Calling the JNE Call Centre

JNE has a lot of customers, so sometimes the call center is busy and you have to wait a long time. To avoid something like this happening, there are some suggestions you can make. First, avoid contacting during peak times. Try to connect in the wee hours of the morning, avoid connecting during office breaks.

Second, make sure the credit is sufficient. If you use your mobile phone to call, make sure to return if you have enough credit, this is to avoid disconnecting from the phone and you have to repeat the explanation all over again, especially if you want to complain to the JNE call centre.

Third, be sure to record the reception. Avoid calling the call centre directly if you want to make a complaint or ascertain the status of delivery of goods. You can record the reception first then contact the call centre, this is done so that little time is wasted.

Cases related to deliveries will definitely be followed immediately by JNE customer service, so you don’t need to worry if the package doesn’t arrive or wants to submit an insurance claim. As long as all the procedures are done correctly, the JNE call center   will definitely help you happily.

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