Prepare the Fine Spice in Advance : RsudSuka
Prepare the Fine Spice in Advance : RsudSuka

Prepare the Fine Spice in Advance : RsudSuka

Know the Easiest West Java Gejrot Tofu Recipe

If you are following the changes in the culinary world, you  should be curious about the western Javanese gejrot tofu recipe. What’s more, Indonesia itself has many specialty food options that you can easily enjoy. Perhaps almost all regions havetheir own traditional masaka n, of course, it is very appetizing.

The culinary world never dies, because every day there are the latest discoveries that are often used as targets for food professionals. If you’re one of those people, don’t worry, culinary advances in the country can help you find improvement. There are many types of cuisine that have their own specialties.

Looking at the western java gejrot tofu recipe that we are going to share next, you need to know that it is very easy to make it.  When you want to eat this snack, you do not have to be afraid to wait for the seller. But studying the whole recipe is guaranteed to make it easier to cook hit foods.

Often gejrot tofu can be easily found when there are vendors on the side of the road, of course, there are various delicacies. And of course if you want to feel the snacks this time, nisa enjoys it at an easy price. However, given that fringe traders will sell whenever they want, it is not certain that it can be found at any time.

To make the process of enjoying this type of cuisine easier for yourself, try to understand the following description from an early age. We will help explain the whole discussion of the ingredients and how to cook them from beginning to end. Be sure to always follow the essence of the conversation to the end to understand all the content.

The Origin of West Java’s Gejrot Tofu Recipe

Looking back, it turns out that the emergence of gejrot tofu from the city of Cirebon had an origin. The first appearance of the kitchen is the cutting of the basic components of tofu gembus into small pieces. It is then watered using a slightly spicy soup and has a blackish coke  brown sugar.

If you visit the Cirebon region in West Java, it will be incomplete if you have not tried the most beloved cuisine today, namely tahu gejrot. Such food is widely sought after by tourists when visiting the city of Cirebon, but now it is common. Although it is spread over several large areas, it does not mean that it is easy to obtain.

That’s because the gejrot tofu recipe unique to West Java is different compared to vendors on the side of the road. The locals there are smarter at processing dishes so that their own flavor comes out.  In Cirebon, there are sellers of gejrot tofu at affordable prices in almost every corner of the city.

Given that the area is famous for the city of tofu, most tofu processing plants are in Cirebon. No wonder the most delicious culinary scene appeared today, so it can be added to the list of favorite snacks.  The number of tofu factories ensures that local people have the skills to make these basic dishes.

The appearance of the name is thought to come from the habit of a seller when he put brown sugar water in a bottle. They then  serve the dishes by making a complete soup pureed in a  pottery pot. The appearance of gejrot was initially a habit when soup jrot-jrot was poured from a drilling bottle.

Complete Ingredients of West Java’s Favorite Snacks

When you’re at home,  make sure you always take advantage of the time to learn each recipe for gejrot tofu unique to Western Java. Considering that if you want to eat you no longer need to go to the nearest seller, just do it independently. Of course, before you make your own, you should understand the basic ingredients.

The distinctive taste of Gejrot tofu has a sweet, spicy and absolutely salty taste, which is very suitable for enjoying an afternoon.  We will share the best e nak recipe that has proven to be very suitable for all Indonesian languages  . Can’t wait to find out how? Let’s follow more.

The first thing that is needed is definitely the type of tofu gembus or Sumedang to taste, if possible, make at least 10 seeds. Do not do it excessively or too little, it is better to use it moderately as desired when cooking. Then the next main ingredient is sweet soy sauce to taste, about 1 tablespoon.

The western java gejrot tofu recipe is missing if you have not used brown sugar, so slice it thinly by 3 tablespoons.  Then prepare a  little tamarind juice, other additions can prepare a tablespoon of soy sauce.  Also  prepare excess oil.

Prepare the Fine Spice in Advance

Entering the next stage in making gejrot tofu requires some spices to add a delicious flavor when you enjoy it. Among other things, starting from the shallots, prepare at least four cloves.   This is necessary to make the taste add maknyus and, of course, add onions in the amount of two.

Since this type of cuisine has a spicy taste, it is of course necessary to use a little hot pepper.   But depending on your needs, if you do not really enjoy the seasoning of the dishes, it is better not to be forced to give too much.   The maximum recommended level of spicy is only six types of hot peppers.

To add to the flavor of the dish, the western Javanese gejrot tofu recipe  requires a person to prepare salt.   The use of salt is not needed much, perhaps only 1 teaspoon is enough. Given  that it is used only  to make taste,  it is  not sweet, but salty, so it is suitable for everyone to eat.

Of course many enjoyed interesting food from Cirebon, because the prices are quite affordable and easily available. However, it is certain that the taste will be different from the recipe we give. Because we give you a special recipe from the original village of the creator of the first type of tofu cuisine.

 Easy Production  Process

The first step in cooking is to first  collect all the ingredients and tools used to speed up the artificial pem process.   If you already have Sumedang tofu, of course you don’t have to cook again. It differs if the ordinary type, which is still raw, must first be cooked until it dries and is cooked  .

The key  to the success of the western java r esep tahu gejrot is  of course in the soup, if you can do it right, it is absolutely delicious.   The first way to heat is to heat all the water in the saucepan until it boils.   After that, pour directly the soy sauce, tamarind juice and brown sugar.

While waiting for it to be cooked, all its goods are uleg according to the recipe, which was previously mixed with hot pepper. Be sure to add a little salt so that the level of brutality is stunning, roughly uleg, it should not be smooth.  Add three spoons of hot oil to soak the texture a little and put it side by side with the tofu.

Combine all the tofu using earthen plates to add to the traditional flavor of the dish.  Stir until evenly distributed so that  you can enjoy it without any difference in taste on both sides  of the spice. Then water all the delicious soup to pour on the plate, finally this kitchen is ready to be served directly.

By understanding all the processes from start to finish, you can now create your own without any difficulty. Using each of these methods is guaranteed to make  the level of flavor very maximum when eaten.  After paying attention to the typical West Java gejrot tofu recipe, it’s time to prove it to make  at home.

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