The Standard Chartered Call Center service : MP3JUICEID
The Standard Chartered Call Center service : MP3JUICEID

The Standard Chartered Call Center service : MP3JUICEID

Credit: Getty Images

The standard chartered call centre plays a particularly important role  for  credit card users, as most credit card users face problems that they cannot communicate freely, so they contacted the call centre to find a solution to the problem they are facing.

The service has the same variety of products. Large companies typically provide call center services on the form of interactive telephones. But many major companies now provide call center services on social media from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc.

Millennials usually contact a large company’s integrated information centre via social media. However, for the speed and accuracy of the information, of course, you are advised to contact the call centre via interactive telephone.

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This standard chartered call centre is very important for customers, as the presence of this call center is of great help to customers who are experiencing problems using credit cards, and there are also many other functions of the call center for standard chartered credit card customers.


The first function, this call center works as a medium to provide accurate information about the company. If standard chartered consumers need important information about the company, they can contact the call center service directly for full 24 hours.


The second function, this call centre, is also contracted by the company to accommodate expectations or complaints from consumers. On average, they want to contact the standard chartered call centre to complain about their customers’  performance.


In addition, the Integrated Information Service Centre provided by Standard Chartered is tasked with ensuring that consumers are aware of all proposals and inputs that will be used as material for the company’s evaluation.


And the latter function is to answer all the questions that the consumer asks. Sometimes, customers often even tell the call centre about transaction problems or problems.


By contacting the integrated information center service via interactive telephone, customers hope credit card issues can be resolved directly without having to come to the nearest Standard Chartered Branch Office.


In addition to being beneficial to consumers, the role of call centres is also crucial for companies such as Standard Chartered. Companies involved in banking, financing and credit cards also need a role in a number of call centres. This is therefore the role of a call center for a company as big as Standard Chartered. “There are things that are coming out of it.

  1. Contact us over the phone

Firstly, this call centre plays an important role in providing customers with products from standard chartered credit cards via interactive telephone. For this reason, companies must recruit smart and intelligent staff in providing products or telemarketing.


  1. The company’s products

Secondly, this call centre also plays an active role in delivering the beautiful promos provided by the company. Credit card users and credit candidates are hoping to be interested in promo. Similarly, standard chartered credit card users are increasingly across Indonesia.


  1. Providing information on the latest programs related to the company

Thirdly, the call centre also plays an active role in informing the company of its latest programs.


One of the programs during the corona pandemic provided by the company is the installation restructuring program for the new credit card opening program. Similarly, indonesia has a large number of standard chartered credit card users.


  1. Crystal Palace Hotel

Fourthly, the call centre is also responsible for informing potential customers of the conditions for opening a new credit card. This is because the appropriate consumers do not know in detail what conditions are required when opening a credit card. Therefore, the call centre plays an active role in socialising the needs and how to open a new credit card on standard chartered.



As one of the multinational banks providing credit card finance, it is not surprising that Standard Charter has always been an active response to customers’ complaints, suggestions, criticisms and complaints.


For this reason, Standard Chartered has alerted a call centre by calling customers 24 hours a day. Therefore, customers can access the call center service directly from the number provided.


With the integrated information centre service provided by the Bank, there is no need to come to the Standard Chartered Branch to find a solution to the current problem.

You can immediately tell what the complaint is when you use your credit card. Typically, the call center will help you resolve your problem.


If it needs to be handled further, the call centre will make a report on the problems and complaints consumers face. The report shall then be transmitted to the relevant section. In addition, the Standard Chartered Call Center will follow up so that your report can be immediately accessed by the relevant team.


Any issues encountered will be dealt with immediately, even if you are connected to the call center service. Furthermore, call center services play a key role in the coronavirus pandemic. So, instead of coming to the nearest branch office, please contact standard chartered’s call centre to clarify the information.


Standard: 10 000 000

For those who have a problem or problem suscept with a standard chartered bank credit card, then we recommend that you report the problem immediately to the call center service.


There are two ways to contact this call center service. Use the first method, personal smartphone and call 68000. To call the number, make sure you have enough credit. Thus, a telephone fee is charged from the operator.


The second way to contact  the Standard Chartered Call Center service is  to use the house number. There are 5 call center numbers according to your current residence: Surabaya (031-5472888), Medan (061-4572888), Semarang (024-8450188), Jakarta (021-57999988), and Bandung (022-422288).


So, immediately contact the Standard Chartered Call Centre according to your residence. This is because the complaint will not be answered if it is not in accordance with the consumer’s residence. In addition to contacting via interactive telephone, we also recommend that you make a complaint again via email.


The company said it aims to respond immediately to the complaint report.  send an email to your address, write down the subject of the email in the form of complaints, submissions, or criticisms, and then  include supporting images so that  reports submitted  to the Standard Chartered Call Center can be handled immediately.


And don’t forget, always follow the report so that the problem you’re facing can be completely solved. You don’t have to spend money buying credit that way, you don’t need to come to the nearest Standard Chartered Branch office.


Standard Chartered is one of indonesia’s multinational bank companies. There are many consumers of such banks. It is the bank providing call center services to ease customers’ complaints, criticisms and suggestions.


For troubled people when using Standard Chartered products, then  immediately contact the Standard Chartered Call Center service, which is active 24 hours a day.

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